Was established in 2009 and is made up of a Crèche, Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Primary and Secondary sections.  It is located at 250 Old Benin-Agbor Road, Ogbeson Quarters, Ikpoba-Hill Benin City.

The school was built with the intention of producing responsible and productive citizens hence our devotion to a student-centered curriculum where the child’s learning is paramount.  We also try to inculcate our core-values into the students to ensure a fully-baked individual who will be well-equipped and ready to face the world.

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At Cream Crest International School we operate a student centered curriculum which extends beyond the four walls of a classroom.


Before a child is allowed into the pre-kindergarten classroom it is believed that at the age of 1 year and 8 months the child must have visibly developed some characteristics and a level of independence that would allow him//her to perform actively and participate in the learning process.


When a child sees learning as difficult or hard, the possibility of achieving it is totally erased. Hence we provide an enabling environment for a worthwhile, fun and simplified learning process.

Proprietress Message

Education is not a business but a sacrifice and a service to humanity. It is giving yourself up for the growth and development of others. At Cream Crest International School, our goal is to pave the way for others to follow in raising all-rounded children who will go out not just to make us proud but the society and the nation at large. Education is not just the work of the school alone but also that of the family and the society. We all have to join in making sure that the future of this nation is secured by raising sound and upright children.

Mrs. Odionye Philomena



WASSCE (WEST AFRICAN SENIOR SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION), BECE (BASIC EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION), PSCE (PRIMARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION) and NECO (NATIONAL EXAMINATION COUNCIL), and other competitions has proven us to be a force to be reckoned with and also as one of the best private schools in Edo State.

Here at Cream Crest International School, your satisfaction is our utmost desire.

We will not fail to note that the directors of the school are seasoned educationists who have over 30years experience in the teaching field.



to produce students who are academically, morally, socially and emotionally sound who will go on to achieve personal success and become responsible and productive citizens.



Cream Crest Schools boast of a philosophy that is students-centered, where we believe that students’ learning is paramount and achievable to their fullest potential and ability. We aim to develop the cognitive, affective, psychomotor and manipulative abilities and skills of our students. Continuous enthusiasm and emphasis on commitment and improvement ensures that our students are well-rounded, self-directed, life-long learners. By providing and maintaining a safe and optimum learning environment where our core-values thrive, we provide the opportunities for our students to be successful. However, promoting high standards and expectations, we believe that with the cooperation of the teacher, administrator, parents and the community at large, the school’s mission would be achieved.



From Cream Crest hill to The mount peak. We are made To rule the nation. Like Martin Luther of USA We are born to be leaders. Cream Crest International School Our symbol is victory Our focus is perfect prosperity Cream Crest International School We love wisdom like Solomon We dream leadership like Joseph We will keep the flag flying Cream Crest International School.

Management Team

Mrs Ajuzie Linda U.
Mrs. Oni Vivian E.
Mr. Odionye Stanley A.


The following are the laid down rules and regulations for the students of Cream Crest International School.

  1. Students should be punctual and regular to both school and all classes
  2. School officially resumes at 7:00am till 4:00pm. The school gate would be closed by 8:00am to all late comers [parents and students]
  • No student should be found roaming outside the school gate after it has been shut


  1. Students are expected to always speak QUEENS ENGLISH both in and outside the school premises
  2. Stealing and all forms of extortion from fellow students or teachers would attract suspension.
  • Threats and acts of intimidation [BULLYING] would not be condoned.
  1. Reporting wrong information would attract serious punishment
  2. Fighting and quarreling would attract outright suspension.
  1. Students are expected to be well dressed i.e., Hat, Tie, Socks, School Shoes, Black Belt, Trousers/Skirts, Jacket, Long/Short sleeve, Canvas. Blue Jeans, Trousers/Skirts, Sport/Inter House Wears.
  2. Students must wear the school sportswear or inter house sportswear every Wednesday for sports while the T-shirt on blues jeans is for Friday Jeans day.
  • Slim fitted school uniform and trouser sagging is prohibited
  1. Male students must maintain low cut while female students are to wear the specified hair style for the week as instructed by the Assistant Senior Prefect or be on low cuts
  1. Students are expected to attend classes regularly, promptly and with their complete writing materials, i.e. notebooks, text books, pen etc.
  2. Students must ensure that all notes are up to date, classwork and homework are done and submitted as at when dues.
  • Eating, chewing gum, and drinking during learning hours is CAPITAL OFFENCE. (corporal punishment).
  1. Trespassing, loitering and unlawful assembly during school hours is prohibited
  2. Unauthorized from class or school would not be allowed
  3. Noise making and rowdiness during school hours would attract corporal punishment.
  • Parents would not be allowed into the classrooms while lessons are ongoing. They are to meet with the teachers at the end of the day.
  1. Students must appear neat and smart all the time.
  2. Students must make sure their class room is free from dirt at all times
  • Doors and windows must be locked every day after school
  1. Students who may encounter health challenges during school hour should visit the sick bay for medical attention. There must be update on phone numbers.
  2. Always make use of waste-basket along the corridors.
  3. Students should ensure that the toilets are properly utilized. Anyone caught messing up the toilet would be punished.

All defaulters of school code of conduct would be made to appear before the DISCIPLINARY COMMITTTEE PANEL for further investigation and prosecution.


The school management found it useful that a forum be created where by our esteemed parents, teachers and the management come together to discuss and plan for the progress of the school.  In the forum, i.e., the parents, teachers and the management; lays them complains/suggestions as it relates to whichever party; proffer solutions to tackle these complains/problems, and also discuss the total well-being of the pupils/students.  The school management is open to new ideas to better their services and also, corrections in areas that we may be found wanton.

The school always seeks to improve her services to ensure that the desires and need of the parents for their wards are met.

  1. To win major awards; local, state and national awards
  2. To break the barrier to fluency in reading, spelling and writing.
  3. To record above 80% excellence in both internal and external exams
  4. To develop and improve the zeal to reading, learning, and studying.
  5. To add to the society, young men and women who can and will protect the image of the nation anywhere, anytime.
  6. To bring up young men and women who will imbibe in them, the core-values the school upholds.
  7. To bring up young men and women who are bold, confident, knowledgeable and able to elicit positive change wherever they find themselves.
  8. Transforming today’s learners to tomorrow’s leaders.
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